If you are looking for an automotive repair shop that is committed to serving you with affordable – honest maintenance and repairs on your car, jeep or truck then we at Toy Auto Center of NY is your only choice.
[A SAFER VEHICLE vehicle on the road, makes A SAFER ROADway]
+ heating and cooling system service
A vehicle’s HVAC system is important...not only for comfort, but for functions like defrosting and defogging windows, uninterrupted flow of engine coolant, and proper operation of belts which drive your alternator, power steering, and water pump. Heating and cooling issues come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the Superior Service from the crew at TOY AUTO CENTER can solve any issue your vehicle may be having.
A/C systems are complicated pieces of machinery. Compressors, high pressure lines, special gasses, condensers, actuators, electronic and vacuum signals, and multiple other aspects of your car’s air conditioning system all have to work together in harmony to effectively cool your vehicle.
Heating systems are generally far more reliable than their counterpart, since they primarily operate on circulating engine coolant. However, if you’re having heating issues, the consequences are usually far greater if neglected. Lack of defrosting and defogging ability is inconvenient and unsafe. A clogged heater core can cause engine overheating, and a failed heater core will leak coolant into your vehicle, damaging other components. If your heater is misbehaving, have it inspected immediately. Often a simple coolant flush will correct the issue.
Superior Service Checklist:
- Air conditioning performance test
- Radiator cooling fan and condenser check
- Thorough inspection and repair and replacement of HVAC components due to leaks degraded seals and malfunctions including hoses, gaskets, and belts
- System pressure checks, such as with hi and low-pressure hoses
- Air conditioning recharge
- Refrigerant refill
- Replacement or cleaning of cabin air filter
- Condenser repair and replacement
- Compressor repair and replacement
- Evaporator repair and replacement
- Accumulator/receiver-drier repair and replacement
- Radiator repair and replacement
- Thermostat repair and replacement
- Water pump repair and replacement
Preventative, regular maintenance HVAC services will ensure you avoid many of the preventable extensive repairs that arise from neglegting your vehicle’s air conditioning, heating, and ventilation system. If you have noticed exterior or interior leaks, odd smells or a failure to maintain cabin temperature, our technicians are qualified and prepared to quickly diagnose any HVAC issues in your vehicle and efficiently complete any necessary maintenance or repair services to have you back on the road as soon as possible.
+ Belts, Hoses and Filters
At Toy Auto Center of Blauvelt, New York, we service many problems caused by neglected hoses, belts, and scheduled filter maintenance. These items are durable and last a long time, but not forever, and rarely give warning before they start causing trouble. For this reason, people often find themselves inconvenienced by a failed belt, hose, or filter; it’s one of those things that simply slip your mind until it causes you trouble. Though belts, hoses, and filters are not as grand as the size and power of your vehicle's engine, they are key components in an optimally performing car or truck. Basic maintenance of your belts, hoses, and filters can eliminate further and bigger issues.
Rubber belts experience two types of wear; mechanical, and age. When your engine is running, your belts are wearing out. The belts drive everything on your engine - the alternator, water pump, A/C, power steering, and even the camshafts and valve train. Constant wear and tear from moving pulleys coupled with repeated heating up and cooling down eventually wear a belt out completely. Belts also dry rot with age and become weak and brittle after years of contact with the environment. Belts are necessary for your electrical, charging, and cooling system to operate - if one of them snaps, you’ll likely find yourself stranded. A timing belt can cause far worse problems, likely costing you an engine. Proper inspection and replacement is key to maintaining a reliable vehicle.
Hoses are also susceptible to wear from heating and cooling and age. Hoses generally contain pressure, which constantly puts stress on them while the engine is running. For this reason, a small tear or pinhole can quickly develop into something much more serious, and suddenly you are rapidly losing coolant, fuel, or vacuum. Damage can occur from moving parts, repeated expansion, or dry rot. Hoses should be changed before a problem arises if they are visibly cracked, damaged, or worn broken hoses cause huge messes, overheating, fire hazards, and are generally inconvenient.
Modern fuel filters tend to be overlooked during maintenance as well since they last a long time and are tucked away in discreet locations; many car owners forget to have them changed at correct intervals. A clogged filter results in strain on the fuel pump, misfires, low power, etc., as it starves the engine of fuel. Fuel filters are cheap and easy to replace; if your manual recommends a filter change or you can’t remember the last time it was done, have a new one installed. Air and oil filters are part of routine maintenance, and while they are certainly important, a reputable shop will always inspect them or recommend replacement. Fuel filters can’t be checked and don’t get replaced every 3,000 miles, so it’s important not to forget about them.
If you’re experiencing trouble from failed belts, hoses, or filters, or think it may be time to have them inspected or changed, come see one of our expert mechanics at Total Performance Inc . One of our technicians will be happy to take a look at your car, truck, or SUV and advise you on what to do next. For any other problems, from oil changes to leaks, to air conditioning systems, to head repair, drop by Total Performance Inc and see for yourself what we can do for you.
Check Every 3 Months/ 3,000 Miles
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Battery and Cables
Dashboard Indicator Light On
Engine Air Filter
Engine Oil
Power Steering Fluid
Tire Inflation and Condition
Windshield Washer Fluid
Check Every 6 Months/6,000 Miles
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Battery and Cables
Chassis Lubrication
Dashboard Indicator Light On
Engine Air Filter
Engine Oil
Power Steering Fluid
Tire Inflation and Condition
Windshield Washer Fluid
Wiper Blades
Check Every 9 Months/ 9,000 Miles
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Battery and Cables
Dashboard Indicator Light On
Engine Air Filter
Engine Oil
Power Steering Fluid
Tire Inflation and Condition
Windshield Washer Fluid
Check every 12 Months/ 12,000 miles
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Battery and Cables
Cabin Air Filter
Chassis Lubrication
Dashboard Indicator Light On
Coolant (Antifreeze)
Engine Air Filter
Engine Oil
Power Steering Fluid
Steering and Suspension
Tire Inflation and Condition
Wheel Alignment
Windshield Washer Fluid
Wiper Blades
+ auto repairs and service
Most repairs can be avoided by keeping your car well-maintained here at Toy Auto Center. Many drivers make the unfortunate mistake of not performing routine maintenance on their cars, or they wait until a minor issue has progressed to an urgent problem before bringing their car to a repair shop.
Proper vehicle maintenance comes with several advantages, including:
- Improved safety – By performing routine and scheduled maintenance, you keep your car running in tip-top shape. This reduces your chances of getting into an accident due to faulty parts. For example, if your brakes are squeaking and you ignore the problem, brake failure can wind up causing a severe accident. A car owner who has their brakes checked regularly can address this problem early on and prevent a devastating accident.
- Money savings – Although maintenance services cost more up front, they save you money in the long run. Minor issues can be addressed before they become costly repairs. Proper maintenance will also prolong the life of your car’s parts and vital components, minimizing part replacements and repairs.
- Damage prevention – By having routine maintenance performed on your car, technicians can spot problems early on before they become costly and severe. This also means that you are less likely to have a breakdown at an inconvenient time.
At Toy Auto Center , we are dedicated to helping our customers keep their cars running in the best condition possible. Below are listed just a few of the many services our ASE certified technicians are qualified to perform:
Battery and Ignition
- Alternator: The alternator is an automotive charging system that generates power for all the electrical components of a vehicle. Your car won’t start if your alternator goes bad. Dim lights, weak or dead battery, weird noises, and smells are a few signs of a bad alternator.
- Battery: The battery works with the alternator to supply electric energy to your vehicle. Once you start your car, the alternator supplies the power needed to start driving. If you’re having issues with your cars electronic system or you have a slow engine crank upon turning the key in the ignition, your battery could be going bad.
- Spark plugs: Spark plugs emit tiny “sparks” of electricity needed to start your car. The health of your spark plugs is linked to the performance of your engine. When your spark plugs are going bad your engine will idle roughly and your average MPG will plummet.
- Distributor cap: The distributor cap is part of your vehicles ignition system. It passes voltage from the ignition coils to an engine’s cylinders to power it. If you experience stalling or backfiring while driving it could mean you need a new distributor cap.
- Solenoid and starting motor: The Solenoid receives a large electric current from the car battery and a smaller electric current from the ignition switch to get your car started. The easiest way to tell your solenoid is going bad is when you turn the key in the ignition. If it doesn’t make any noise, you need a new solenoid.
- Ignition wires, coil, and modules: These parts of an ignition system are responsible for the spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture in the combustion chambers.
Air Conditioning and Engine Cooling
- Radiator: The radiator keeps your engine cool and your vehicle from overheating. If you’re leaking coolant or your vehicle is overheating, you may need to get your radiator replaced.
- Thermostat: The thermostat sits between the engine and the radiator to block the flow of coolant until the engine has warmed up. If the temperature is fluctuating and changing erratically, your thermostat needs to be checked out.
- Compressor clutch: If the compressor clutch doesn’t engage, your A/C won’t be able to blow cool air into the car. If you experience warming internal temperatures or loud noises, you may need a new compressor clutch.
- Water pump: The water pump prevents overheating by circulating coolant between the radiator and the engine. If you experience an overheating engine or steam coming from the radiator come get your water pump checked out as soon as possible. A malfunctioning water pump could result in your engine going bad.
- Compressor: The compressor is responsible for pumping refrigerant through the AC system and cooling down your car. If the interior of your car feels warmer or you hear loud noises when your compressor is running, it’s time to pay The Auto Repair Place a visit.
- Accumulator: This is the metal canister that is the filter for your AC system. You’ll know your accumulator is going bad if there is a moldy smell or a rattling noise when your AC is running.
- Condenser: A faulty condenser can prevent the AC system from blowing out cold air. This part needs to be replaced if it’s blowing significantly less cool air from the vents.
- Engine cooling fan: The engine cooling fan is part of the cooling system and helps dissipate excess heat. If your engine fans don’t come on or your car overheats, they may need to be replaced.
- Blower motor: This component pushes air through the vents of your cars air conditioning system. When your car’s heater stops working or only works on certain settings, you’ll need to replace the blower motor.
- Heater core: The heater core extracts heat from the coolant and pushes warm air into your car. A bad heater core can be identified easily if it’s burning through coolant faster than usual or you smell something sweet and sticky. The Sweet, sticky smell is from your coolant leaking in and outside of your car.
- Evaporator: The evaporator keeps tabs on the temperature of the AC system.
- Expansion valve: The expansion valve works with the evaporator to regulate the flow of refrigerant through the vehicle’s AC system. A bad expansion valve is evidenced by frost coming from the vents or the AC compressor constantly running.
Engine and Fuel Emissions
- EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valve: The EGR lowers the exhaust emissions from the tailpipe of the car. A rough idle, stalling, and increase in fuel consumption are telltale signs you need a new EGR valve.
- Modular fuel pump: This part releases the power needed to operate the fuel pump. Common signs of a failing modular fuel pump include a hard start, inability to start the car and engine performance issues.
- ECM (Engine Control Module): The ECM ensures optimal engine performance by reading the valves from sensors within the engine bay. If your check engine light comes on or your car isn’t starting, your ECM is going bad.
- Fuel injector: The fuel injector transfers fuel into the engine and is responsible for power, fuel efficiency, emission performance and more! If the inside of your car starts to smell like gas, your fuel injectors could be going bad.
- Engine sensors: Engine sensors monitor all the important functions of an engine such as emission control, fuel efficiency, transmission shifting, cruise control and more! Your check engine light will go on or you’ll get bad gas mileage when your sensors begin to go bad.
- PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation): a malfunctioning crankcase ventilation can result in more air than fuel resulting in an engine misfire. A faulty PCV will result in excessive oil consumption or your oil leaking.
- Muffler: When your muffler is going bad it will make louder noises, emit weird smells and result in lower MPG.
- Tailpipe: The louder the noise from the tailpipe the more likely you’ll have to get it replaced. Engine performance also suffers.
- Resonator: The exhaust resonator is designed to create much smoother driving conditions and reduce noise from the exhaust system. It also helps with engine performance.
- Catalytic Converter: The catalytic converter uses a chemical reaction to convert gasses into something less harmful to yourself and the environment. When your catalytic converter starts going bad your vehicle may not start and if it does you’ll most likely fail an emissions test. It also negatively affects acceleration and your fuel efficiency will suddenly drop.
Powertrain and Driveline
- Engine: Your engine is the heart of your vehicle and all the parts on this page work to keep it moving. If your check engine light goes on, you start to lose power and your gas mileage plummets, it’s time to get your engine checked out. Regular engine maintenance can save you thousands in repair bills.
- CV Joint and/or boot: You’ll know your CV joints are going bad if you hear loud clicking noises or there is excessive vibration while you’re driving.
- Transmission: A transmission shifts the gears in your car and is one of the most expensive fixes on your vehicle. Like regular engine maintenance, regular transmission maintenance can save you thousands in repair costs. If your vehicle shifts roughly or it starts to slip, your transmission needs immediate service or repair.
- Wheel bearing: The wheel bearing allows your tire and wheel assemblies to spin as fast as possible with the least amount of friction. You’ll know your wheel bearings are going bad when you hear knocking, humming, snapping, clicking or popping while driving.
- Flywheel: The signs that you need a new flywheel are gear slippage, a burnt smell, and clutch vibrations.
- Differential: Your differential is responsible for splitting your engine torque. A bad differential is evidenced by vibrations and noises such as clunking, howling or whining.
- Clutch: Your clutch connects your engine to your wheels. If your clutch is going bad you’ll have trouble shifting accompanied by a burning smell.
- Struts: The struts absorbs all the bumps you experience while driving. You’ll know your struts are going bad with noticeable tire shaking or vibration when hitting a bump.
- Shocks: Shocks keep your car from bouncing up and down. You can test your shocks out by pushing down on the corner of your vehicle. If it starts to bounce when you let go, your shocks may need to be replaced.
- Strut mount: The strut mount insulates vibrations from the vehicle. If there is oil on the strut or noise from one area of your car your struts may need to be changed.
- Coil springs: Coil springs don’t exactly wear out but they will eventually begin to sag and will need maintenance.
- Ball joint: The ball joint connects the control arm to the steering knuckles. Common signs of failing ball joints are clunking noises and vibration.
- Control arm: The control arm connects the wheel hub and steering to the chassis. Common symptoms of a bad control arm are wheel vibration, a wandering steering wheel, and clunking noises.
- Bushing: A bad bushing is signaled by a sluggish response to your vehicle’s handling as well as rattling or squeaking noises from under the car.
Belts, Filters, and Hoses
- Radiator hose: The radiator hose keeps coolant flowing through the engine to keep it cool. If your coolant levels are low or leaking or your engine is overheating, your radiator hose may be going bad.
- Engine, fuel and oil filters: Filter help remove excess contaminants from your oil to keep your engine clean. Bad filters result in lower MPG and sluggishness while driving.
- V-ribbed serpentine belt: V-Belts run on the outside of the engine and power the alternator and AC compressor. If your power steering goes out or your AC stops working, your V-Belt needs to be replaced.
- Air conditioning hose: An air conditioning hosed is designed to allow refrigerant to flow through the AC system. If your AC stops blowing cool air, you’ll know it needs to be replaced.
- Timing belt: The engine timing belt syncs the rotation of the crankshaft with the camshaft so the engine’s valves open and close. When your timing belt goes bad, your engine will go bad! It’s best to keep tabs on when you changed your timing belt and get it replaced before it’s too late!
- Heater hose: The heater hose is made to transfer coolant from the engine to the heater core. If your coolant is leaking or your engine is overheating, you need a new heater hose.
- Idler Arm: If your vehicle is floating or wandering while driving, your idler arm could be going bad.
- Pitman Arm: Poor Steering is a good indication that your Pitman arm is going bad. Floating and wandering while driving is also an indication you need a new Pitman Arm.
- Tie-rod end: When your tie rod is going bad, your front alignment is off and you’ll have loose steering.
- Rack-and-pinion: Loose steering and persistent knocking are signs of a bad rack and pinion.
- Power steering: If your steering wheel feels off or you hear a squealing noise, your power steering may be going bad.
If you have any issues with your car, truck or SUV stop by Toy Auto Center of Blauvelt, New York, and have our qualified team of mechanics take a comprehensive inspection. We want to ensure you get where you are headed safely and avoid high repair costs.
+ transmissions
Has your transmission been slipping, leaking, or have experienced a catastrophic failure in your transmission making it an urgent situation requiring your immediate attention? Do not hesitate to contact us, here at Toy Auto Center of Blauvelt, New York, to asses the cause or causes and present options that work for you.
We diagnose and repair...but if repairs of your current transmission aren't cost-effective we proudly install Jasper remanufactured units. These products come with a three year/hundred thousand mile parts and labor warranty.
As transmission technology advances, the need to maintain exacting tolerances becomes increasingly important which they are very thorough and precise. The machining processes are critical to assure proper operating pressures and provide for a long service life from your JASPER® Remanufactured Transmission such as:
- Case and valve body resurfacing along with profilometer inspection of the shaft finish that enables JASPER® to maintain exact standards and precise tolerances in all phases of transmission remanufacturing.
- The front pump and gears are carefully gauged and, if exact tolerances are not met, machined to assure they meet their high standards and precise operation.
- Updates to specific transmissions such as the 5R110 for which JASPER® installs a machine-in-place bushing in the pump housing to provide correct alignment between the pump housing and converter hub.
Torque converters are cut open to allow for a thorough cleaning, accurate inspection and the replacement of washers, spacers, springs, rollers, and a new or re-lined lock-up clutch piston as applicable. Turbine fins are inspected and retightened and welded on specific applications. Hubs are carefully inspected and replaced. Converters are pressure tested then dynamically balanced to eliminate vibration that could cause noise, leaks or transmission damage.
Valve bodies are disassembled, cleaned and remanufactured by skilled technicians. All components of the valve body are inspected for wear and the valve body is resurfaced for correct mating and sealing with the transmission case.
Valve bodies are tested on an Answermatic test unit which simulates actual vehicle operation. Vehicle speed and driver demand are varied hydraulically. The Answermatic quickly locates cracks and imperfections and verifies accurate shift points.
Transmission performance is pre-inspected at the assembly station to assure correct operation before additional assembly and testing is performed. Pressurized fluid and special fixtures are used to test circuit leakage.
JASPER® remanufactured transmissions receive a standard set of new and qualified parts. Their standard parts replacement assures smooth, consistent performance and long unit life. JASPER® remanufactured transmissions are assembled by skilled technicians many of whom are ASE Certified and who specialize in particular models or families.
Every JASPER® domestic automatic reman transmission is dynamometer tested with recorded inspections to shift patterns and shift pressures. A stall test, fluid leak test, lockup test (as applicable) and park test are performed. Tests are made at varying RPM's and at full and closed throttle positions. Standard transmissions are tested at the work station for proper gear engagement as well as for gear and bearing noise and proper engagement of the shift rails into the detents.
Consistent quality is maintained through a continuous training program of ASE technicians backed with statistical process control. Technicians are also JASPER® Certified to specific transmissions and job functions. Weekly disassembly of a production transmission is also performed. All areas of the transmission are scrutinized for cleanliness, surface finishes quality, lubrication, clearance and wears patterns.
+ batteries and electrical system repairs
Charging and electrical systems, particularly on modern cars, are the most intricate and complex systems on your vehicle. It takes highly trained technicians armed with the right equipment to properly diagnose and repair electrical issues on today’s automobiles. Toy Auto Center of Blauvelt, New York, has the mechanics and the tools you need to get the job done right.
These newer systems are heavily dependent upon the others and are far more complicated than you might imagine. While batteries, alternators, fuses, and wiring operate under the same basic principles they have on cars for decades, there are a lot more details attached to modern cars.
Highly qualified mechanics are now a demand in the marketplace due to these advancements. If you have a warning light or are noticing power failures in regard to your car, truck, or SUV, have one of our professionals at Toy Auto Center of Blauvelt, New York inspect it. We can test, isolate, and repair any issue, big or small. From oil changes to complex wiring issues, your car is in good hands with us.
Our battery services include:
- Battery/Starter/Alternator Testing and Diagnostics
- Battery Recharging
- Battery Replacement
- Battery Maintenance (e.g cleaning corrosion)
- Alternator/Starter Replacement
- Alternator Belt
- Ignition Switch
Servicing Your Vehicle’s Electrical System
To diagnose issues with your vehicle’s electrical system, we use specialized equipment to tap into your vehicle’s computer system, and locate the cause of the problem. We’ll also:
- Check your battery, and replace if necessary, to ensure that your vehicle is receiving enough power.
- Check your vehicle’s electrical cable connections, and make adjustments if necessary.
- Perform engine diagnostics, if necessary, for more complex electrical problems and sophisticated vehicle computer systems.
Sometimes, the problem is as simple as a faulty battery. In other cases, the problem is more complex and requires the attention of an experienced automotive technician, like the ones you’ll find here at Total Performance Inc in Mahwah.
Today’s cars are controlled by computers – from the alternator to the starter, air conditioning system and virtually everything in between. Our technicians will ensure that we find and resolve the problem quickly, so you can get up and running!
Signs of Electrical System Problems
How can you tell if it’s your vehicle’s electrical system or some other component that needs repairs? It can be tricky to pinpoint an electrical problem, but there are some signs you should be on the lookout for:
- Your vehicle won’t start, and when you turn the key, you hear nothing – no grinding or clicking noises.
- Your vehicle is running just fine, but your headlights dim when you’re idling or driving slowly.
- The dashboard or interior lights do not illuminate or are very dim.
If your vehicle’s electrical system needs servicing, talk to our professional mechanics at Toy Auto Center who will find and fix the problem quickly, so you can get back on the road.
+ brake service and repairs
Evey automobile's brake system is made of a long list of parts, and all of them are under a great deal of stress much of which depends on how you drive as each of us is very different in that regard. Some of us are more aggressive than others in both starting and stopping our vehicles, we tend to "ride our brakes" and you may carry heavy loads or pull a trailer which will also impact the life of your brakes. The important aspect of your brakes and what their expected life span is that you are absolutely certain that they are working at 100% when you call on them to stop your vehicle at any given time. The task of stopping a car, truck, or SUV which weighs thousands of pounds is certainly not easy and the last thing anyone wants is to find out their brakes have failed catastrophically. When our team here at Toy Auto Center goes in to do a full service or repair of your brakes we take it seriously and check the entire system for you taking into consideration multiple factors!
What kind of driver are you? Aggressive with hard turns and fast stops? Stopping the brakes or soft taps? Your brake life directly ties into how you drive and brake pads will need to be changed more often based on your driving habits and the number of miles you travel. It isn't just how long it has been since your last brake job.
What brand of brakes did you use last time? The material in brake pads can vary greatly from one manufacturer to another. There are pads that are composites of organic compounds, semi-metallic pads, and ceramic pads, and their wear rates are all different.
Do you often tow a trailer, haul heavy loads, or drive through steep terrain? The extra braking force needed for any of those will wear out brake pads faster. With all that in mind, brake pads typically last anywhere from 35,000 to 60,000 miles, depending on the above factors. What's maybe more important to know, though, is the warning signs that you do need new brakes.
Brake problems come in a variety of forms. Worn brake pads cause squeaking or grinding noises, especially when the brakes are applied, but sometimes constantly. Typically, the sound will vary with the speed of your car, and braking will alter the noise you hear. Bad brakes affect performance too. If you feel like you have to hit the pedal harder than normal to stop your vehicle, the brakes feel weak, or your car pulls to one side whenever you depress the pedal, you likely have a brake issue. Our reccomendation is to bring your vehicle to our location for attention ASAP.
Things to watch out for include:
- Longer stopping distances. If it takes longer you have a problem.
- Low brake fluid—your brakes are worn out or you have a leak!
- Excessive brake pedal travel. If you are pushing your brake pedal further towards the floor, there is an issue.
- Brake pedal feels "soft" or "spongy" underfoot Vehicle pulls to one side while braking
- Pulsation or vibrations through the brake pedal or steering wheel while braking.
- The tendency for one or more wheels to lock up and skid while braking means one of your brakes is working harder than the other. *Your brakes don't always wear at the same pace.
- Loud Noises! Groaning, screeching, squealing, or grinding sound while braking is never a good sign.
If you are experiencing any of the above problems, or your vehicle needs any other repair or maintenance, don’t hesitate to call or come by Toy Auto Center. Our mechanics have the knowledge and ability necessary to get your vehicle repaired quickly, correctly, and efficiently. Our team at Total Performance Inc can diagnose any issue of symptoms - including squeaking or grinding noises, unresponsive brake pedal, or vibrations
Our staff looks forward to speaking with you about your vehicle's repairs or maintenance.

experience service that centers around our customers experience!
Toy Auto Center is a full service, complete auto repair shop and official New York State Certified Motor Vehicle Inspection Station.
628 NY 303, Blauvelt, NY 10913
(1 block off 303 on Birchwood Drive)